

英國 • 英格蘭 • 蘇格蘭 +尼斯湖 紫線 A:春夏行程 ( 每年 4-9月 ) 營運 保證出發 • 每週一班 • 3月31-9月28日

directions_bus 站點

  • 倫敦
  • 劍橋
  • 約克
  • 愛丁堡
  • 格拉斯哥
  • 格倫芬南高架橋
  • 奧古斯都堡
  • 尼斯湖
  • 羅夢湖
  • 格雷特納.格林
  • 湖區
  • 曼徹斯特
  • 斯特拉斯福特
  • 比斯特購物村
第 1 天


Day 1

In the early morning, you start a tour of London attractions: Big Ben, House of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, 10 Downing Street, Whitehall, St James’ Park, Buckingham Palace and River Thames. Enjoy a delicious meal in Chinatown. In the afternoon, you will visit the famous British Museum, enter St Paul’s Cathedral if you have enough time. You can also enjoy the scene of Tower Bridge and Tower of London while sitting in the coach. The Tower of London is a historic castle located on the north bank of the River Thames in central London. It has played a prominent role in English history and served variously as a palace, an armoury, a treasury, a prison, the home of the Royal Mint, the home of the Crown Jewels of England and has been the setting of many bloody battles among British Monarchs. You stay overnight in London, where you can experience the dazzling night scene, or head for a Thames Cruise or musical with a group of friends.

第 2 天

倫敦 – 劍橋 – 約克 (350 km)

Day 2

After breakfast, it is time to visit the nation’s acclaimed educational institution: Cambridge University. In addition to a strong academic atmosphere, Cambridge is where many luminaries started their dreams and hopes for the future with the sight of the pastoral landscapes, picturesque rivers and architecture. The University of Cambridge, a majestic old group of buildings including King’s College and Queens College, set among the most rural of bridges.

You continue your journey to York, a true medieval melting pot of Roman, Saxon and Viking culture. The city is mostly intact from the middle ages and shows the rustic side of Britain. You visit York Minster, the largest Gothic cathedral in northern Europe. Then you will step up onto York city walls, dating back to Roman times. For those keen to discover little grass-roots shops, there will be time to wander around.

第 3 天

約克 – 愛丁堡 (326 km)

Day 3

York, a true medieval melting pot of Roman, Saxon and Viking culture. The city is mostly intact from the Middle Ages and shows the rustic side of Britain. You visit York Minster, the largest Gothic cathedral in northern Europe. Then you will step up onto York city walls, dating back to Roman times. For those keen to discover little grass-roots shops, there will be time to wander around. When you come to the UK, why not try the English afternoon tea. Here, there is a century-old tea house, and we have prepared enough time to allow you to enjoy an authentic British afternoon tea

第 4 天

愛丁堡 – 格拉斯哥 (75 km)

Day 4

蘇格蘭-首都「愛丁堡」是蘇格蘭風情縮影的代表,香醇的威士忌、穿著蘇格蘭格仔布裙的風笛手,其千萬風情與獨特民族性,讓您流連忘返。抵達後,先參觀雄踞死火山岩的愛丁堡城堡,觀看最古老的皇室冠冕及珠寶。繼而遊覽與荷里路德宮串連起來的皇家古道、市政廳及皇家公園。中午自由活動:您可去J.K.Rowling寫作《哈利波特》一書的大象咖啡廳,一嚐咖啡。又或您與家人或朋友一起,也可以去記念照相館中cosplay扮演"古代蘇格蘭人"來拍照留念,這是也個很有趣的體驗呢。住宿︰格拉斯哥 或鄰近城市

第 5 天

格拉斯哥 – 格倫芬南高架橋 – 奧古斯都堡 – 尼斯湖 – 羅夢湖 – 格拉斯哥 (498 km)

Day 5

今天是蘇格蘭高地之濃縮精華!所以行程會較匆匆哦。早上驅車前往蘇格蘭£10紙幣的圖䅁地"格倫芬蘭南高架橋"遊覽,這亦是電影「哈利波特」主角乘坐的霍格華茲特快列車經過的大橋,是哈迷的打卡勝地。接着再往以古羅馬大帝同名的-奧古斯都堡-位於尼斯湖最南端,人們都來此找尋尼斯湖水怪,是個依賴旅遊業的寧靜小鎮。我們還會路經蘇格蘭第一個國家公園「羅夢湖」,這裡位於高地Highland與低地Lowland斷層邊界,湖中有30多個小島,景色優美,我們順道當然要拍照留念。住宿︰格拉斯哥 或鄰近城市

第 6 天

格拉斯哥 – 格雷特納.格林 – 湖區 – 曼徹斯特 (360 km)

Day 6

In the morning, you drive straight to the Lake District, located in the west side of the north of England. On the way, you stop in Gretna Green, a village in the south of Scotland famous for ‘runaway marriages’, a custom which began in 1754. Due to its romantic wedding traditions dating back centuries, Gretna Green is one of the world’s most popular wedding locations. After that you continue your journey to the Lake District. The Lake District National Park is the most visited national park in the United Kingdom. Each year tens of thousands of visitors travel here to see the thousands of years old geological changes reflected in the natural beauty, lakes, valleys, mountains and waterfalls. You can choose our optional boat cruise of Lake Windermere, or hop off to the World of Beatrix Potter Attraction.

From then onwards you drive to Manchester, a fashionable, social buzzing and dynamic city. This city is not only well-known for being a city of sport, the headquarters of Manchester United, but also as England’s most productive industrial city. Football fans can enjoy a pilgrimage to the Manchester United Old Trafford grounds or catch a training game. Food lovers can pick a scrumptious restaurant in the nearby Chinatown.

第 7 天

曼徹斯特 – 斯特拉斯福特 – 比斯特購物村 – 倫敦 (380 km)

Day 7

A breath-taking drive will take you to the famous English playwright and poet William Shakespeare’s hometown, Stratford-upon-Avon. This is also where the acclaimed Hollywood blockbuster movie – ‘Shakespeare in Love’ was filmed. From the cobble-stoned streets to the drinking dens, theatres and road signs, everything is to do with Shakespeare. It is a heaven for those romantically inclined.

Our big anticipated outing for today must be the now famous outlet shopping centre – Bicester Village. For your fix of designer clothes, sporting goods, jewellery, household items and children’s clothing etc., Bicester Village is home to more than 130 fashion and lifestyle boutiques, including Gucci, Armani, Prada, Calvin Klein, Dunhill, DKNY, Burberry, Paul Smith, Bally and so on. Each shop offers savings of up to 60%, all year round. We dare you not to be persuaded.


Hotel accommodation based on shared twin.
Meal Basis: (B) = Continental Breakfast

Whilst every effort is made to operate this tour as advertised, on some occasion it may be necessary, due to conditions outside of our control, to make amendments to accommodation, route or itinerary schedule. In these cases Go EU Go holds the right to make changes with no claim to compensation or damage claims.